
[Changelog For "TBC Classic Rogue DPS PvP Guide - Best Talents, PvP Gear, Tactics"]

  • 08/04/2022 alle 11:43: changed pvp talent spec to include improved expose armor Di Simonize
  • 25/01/2022 alle 14:33: updated with phase 3 bis embed changed description text above the embed. Di Simonize
  • 30/08/2021 alle 21:22: updated the gear embed for phase 2 pvp to include some different items Di Simonize
  • 30/08/2021 alle 14:28: updated pvp gear embed with phase 2 items updated description section above the gear embed to include mentions of phase 2 items. Di Simonize
  • 10/06/2021 alle 22:37: Minor Edit Di Rokman
  • 10/06/2021 alle 22:16: Added PvP Set Example Di Rokman
  • [Status set to Approvato]: 10/06/2021 alle 19:53