
Ata'mal Armaments

Smith Hauthaa needs you to produce 5 Cleansed Ata'mal Metal. Do so by breaking down Ata'mal Armaments on her anvil at the Sun's Reach Armory on the Isle of Quel'Danas.
Cleansed Ata'mal Metal (5)


The Ata'mal Terrace in eastern Shadowmoon Valley is holy to the draenei, but is now overrun by fel orcs. They have dug up the special ore from that place and created corrupted weapons and armor.

I need the armaments to form an alloy with the naga ore. Our anchorites have blessed my anvil with the ability to cleanse them.

Retrieve the armaments from the Shadowmoon chosen, slayers and darkweavers. Return them here, breaking down and purifying them upon my anvil, and then hand me the cleansed results.


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Blessed Weapon Coating Righteous Weapon Coating
Riceverai anche:
Ata'mal Armament


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11544))


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